Sponsor donate and support
Sponsoring, donations support, promote the sport, good health and fitness and bring attention to the activity and it's benefits.
Work hours
- Endless free work hours a week, planning, publishing, creating, researching, etc: Free
- This project is ad-free and people who work on it do not earn any kind of money during the hours spent developing it.
- Donations and or sponsoring mean a lot because they help fund costs associated with the internet, and serve as an incentive to further work on it and your interests.
Server rental
Pages, wiki, live gps, apps, etc: $100 cad/year
(Taxes apply)
- Social media ads (ie: Facebook)
- URL domain registrations: ~$100 cad/year
- Meetup and membership: $200 cad/year
- Kommunity and membership: $95 cad/year
See also: Why several organizing platforms.
Sponsoring and support
We are looking for sponsors and or support. Bellow, is what sponsoring will provide:
Group members
- You will be listed as a sponsor unless you prefer to be anonymous about yourself and or your donation
- A year donation of $20 or more and you will not need to attend 3 events a year to keep the membership as well as not being affected by not showing up after rsvp.
See group and account maintenance.
As a business, upon agreement what will you benefit from your sponsoring and or donation:
- Events created to promote your inline skating business
- Video and photographs of the event which will display you as a sponsor of the event specially if you offer, give, donate merchandising we can wear.
- Advertisement of your business as a sponsor on, but not limited to official group pages, (wiki, etc) stickers, events, shirts, flyers, videos and or pictures on social media.
- Meetup Pro is $30 per group per month and the sponsor will get sponsor information posted in the groups per meetup page features and group event sponsor activity
- Kommunity sponsor information posted in the groups per kommunity page features and group event sponsor activity
- As a guest inline skater, physical presence and promotion of your business in the events including the annual events
- Live GPS tracking of an organizer location during the events that will confirm and prove the activity
- Review of equipment and or service your business provides
- Upon agreement your proposed ways to benefit from your sponsoring
You are welcome to reach us out with your sponsoring proposal and or conditions.
How can you sponsor
- Financially (note: We are currently not a registered organization)
- Inline skating equipment (skates, wheels, bearings, p.p.e, etc) that will be added to event raffles sweepstakes for sweet skates promoting the sponsor and or donor
- Product or service that we can put to use for the group and events: (ie: shirt printing, stickers, cards, flyers, etc)
- Store discount, code, voucher, service, equipment, etc
- Your proposal is also considered
Where and how to donate or sponsor
- In person
- Contact us by email torontobladers 'at' gmx 'dot' ca
- Go fund me
- Paypal to torontobladers 'at 'gmx 'dot' ca
- Interact e-transfer to torontobladers 'at' gmx 'dot' ca
How sponsoring will be used
- To cover the expenses related to the online presence of the group and it's platforms.
- Event raffles with equipment used for sweepstakes for sweet skates to be done among the skaters that attend the events.
- Business service and or product advertisement.
What sponsoring will not provide
- Ownership of the group
- Changes to skating events
- Admin and or organizer position
- Automatic membership in the group and or chats
- Ads direct sent to members by the donor and or sponsor
- Membership list personal information
- Changes to group organization and or it's policies
- Contraventions of the agreement waiver and release of liability, code of conduct as well as approval registration forms.
About Toronto bladers
How credible, organized and or well established are we?
- Most of our usual regular skaters have between skating for 10 to 20 years
- The group has been organizing on a weekly basis (weather and health permitting) since 2019 and has done close to 150 events up to 2022. See notice of events.
- Meetup events since 2019, 2020, 2021 and ongoing 2022 until the end of 2022.
- Kommunity events since Mar 19 2021 ongoing to this date and rest of 2022.
- Skating season starts mid March and ends in November, but we have skated outside the season, weather permitting
- Among the organizing platforms (meetup, kommunity, eventbrite) we have around 700 inline skaters.
- We have social media presence in several very popular (twitter, youtube, fb, strava, linktrr, kommunity, meetup, eventbrite, instagram) platforms and growing and easily found on google.