Annual events
The annual events are events aimed at gathering the largest number of skaters matching exclusively what the event is all about.
- They occur once a year and are announced during other events description.
- All registered skaters are notified by email
- Guests are allowed as long as they can keep up with the registered skater
- Agreement waiver and release of liability and code of conduct applies to everyone including guests
We hope you will join us on these events. Check our social media event videos to see what they are all about.
- Season opening (Since 2020) End of March or begging of April depending on the weather
- Golden Wheels (planned to start June 2023)
- 80s roll (planned to start July 2023)
- Bladers day (Since 2021) Occurs at the end of August
- United wizards (Since 2021) Occurs mid September
- Luminous roll (Since 2021) Occurs mid October
- Halloween (Since 2019) Occurs in October on a Friday before the day
- Season closing Occurs in November (Since 2020)